Woman's Medicine Workshops in Northern California & Oregon: Spring 2012!

* "Woman's Body, Feminine Medicine"course-workshop in the US  Spring 2012 in Northern California. These weekend workshops (18 hours) were held in: the Bay Area, Arcata, Grass Valley and Mt Shasta ... Thank you to all the beautiful women who made this come to manifestation!

Woman's Medicine Workshop (Berkeley, April 28-29) 
* Workshop on "Ancestral Andean Female Wisdom: Traditional Birth Practices from Peru" (Portland, April 10) National College of Natural Medicine (Organized by: NMSA Global Health Group & NCNM Midwifery Club)
 Thank you for the invitation Kai and all for your support to KillaWarmi Project!

Donations :) Now you can make your Donations by PayPal!

* To all of you open and feeling to support Andean girls, women & midwifery/Woman's Medicine in Peru now you can do it easier through PayPal: hampiwarmi@gmail.com

The Ohio State University Global Health Initiative volunteers in Peru (Shilla, 2014) donated:
- "Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret" (Judy Blume) in English & Spanish versions
- Reproductive health education materials
- Stencils and english edu materials for Shilla primary & secondary school; balls and ropes (Shilla school)
- Kale seeds (Women's Center community gardens)

Thank all of you for your hard work and for making possible KillaWarmi's first initiative of a women's community center in a rural area!

2014's education work in Shilla (Fall-Winter 2014) was made possible in great part by the generous donation of last October 2011 of midwife Julie Watson from New Zealand (and covered in part the menstrual pads donated to Andean girls and women 2011-2012). Her donation of 2010 made possible the workshops shared in Wiñaypaq intercultural school in Huandar Community in Sept/Oct 2010. Thank you for your ongoing support Julie!

Kate Grim-Feinberg (anthropologist, US) donated 4 books "Donde No Hay Doctor" (Where There Is No Doctor, Hesperian Foundation) last February 2011: 1 donated to the local health promoter of Pacca community and 1 to a local girl student who is applying to become a doctor so far. Thank you Kate!

Danette Condon and Shay Huffman (direct-entry midwives from West Virginia, US) donated a bunch of sanitizers and some clamps (donated to local midwife Leonie Lange who attends works in rural Urubamba, Sacred Valley, Cusco) in January 2010. Thank you medicine women!
* Sanitizers were donated to Shilla Health Center (Ministry of Health) and to the Women's Center of Shilla

Keri Zug's (midwife student, US) donation of 2010 made possible part of the work of the year 2011 in Pacca community with girls. Thank you Keri!

LUNERAS Ecological Menstrual Cloth Pads

Toallitas Luneras! (Luneras pads) are pads for your Moontime, your menstruation, your sacred blood. They have been designed and created after years of personal research (9 years) trying different alternative cloth pads in South America and North America to find the most comfortable and practical design for your Moon. 
Toallitas Luneras! are a combination between the cloths that the Grandmothers used to use and the modern industrial pads with wings. They are 100% cotton, with a special cotton cloth which is super absorbent for the changeable pads (liners). 
These Toallitas de Luna have been created in the inspiration to support women as you in living a new relation with their sacred blood. 

Recommendation: Change the liners every 3 hours or depending on the quantity of your flow. Then, soak your sacred blood in a glass jar and offer it to Pachamama /Mother Earth and/or to your plants. Afterwards, wash your Luneras! pads with cold water and soap. (Washing them, in connection with Water is also part of the medicine..). 
Raising the prayer that these pads for your Moon accompany you in living your Feminine Medicine in this time!

*To be used alone or as a complement of the Moon Cup (if you already got one) for possible leaks and as it's good to let some days our sacred moon blood flow freely from our bodies 

** With the purchase of these Luneras! pads you support KillaWarmi Project, which provides reproductive health education to girls and women in the Peruvian Andes, and that reminds them to relate themselves with their blood and their cycles in a more possitive way and in connection to Pachamama. 1 kit that you buy 1 kit that goes for free to an Andean girl! Check: www.killawarmiproject.blogspot.com
Luneras! also celebrates Birth sacred blood, so we also have a special presentation for post-partum women and women with heavy flow on their Moontime.
Any doubt about your Moontime and in relation to the connection with your womb; therapies, Woman Medicine Workshops and First Moon Blessings for girls please email: cynthiaingar@gmail.com 
Ancash, Peru

Activities April-December 2011 Pacca Community and Huandar Community, Cusco

Pacca Community, Anta province, Cusco - Peru

Reproductive health counseling to women of the community regarding menstruation, pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, and menopause.
Menstrual health and sexuality workshops for girls of intern secondary school by each grade separately (1st thru 5th secondary grade), between 11 and 18 years old.
Menstrual health and self-care workshops for girls of primary community school between 10 and 13 years old (grades 5th and 6th)
Reproductive health and gender relations workshops for boys of primary community school between 11 and 14 years old (grades 5th and 6th), including emphasis in the understanding of woman's reproductive process and their respect and honoring as well as his
Supply of ecological cloth menstrual pads ("Luneras" pads) to women and girls for free
* 4 sessions of 2 hours each.

Wiñaypaq Intercultural School, Huandar Community, Pisaq, Cusco - Peru  http://youtu.be/nmELSHm_29o
Menstrual and reproductive/sexual health workshops for girls between 8 and 14 years old (one multi-grade class from 3rd grade to 6th grade). Dynamics with Drumming, rattling, connecting to their wombs through meditation and touching their own wombs energetically, and singing of Woman Medicine Songs are parts of these workshops. 3 sessions of 2 hours each.

Supply of ecological cloth menstrual pads to girls already menstruating and to the school to provide them when more girls reach menarque

The work in Wiñaypaq school started last year (2010) in September/October with 2 sessions of menstrual and sexual health workshops to girls from 3rd grade to 6th grade, and 1 session to girls from 1st to 2nd grade on the basics of bodily differentiation based on gender and prevention of sexual violence through storytelling and play.

Urpiyay sonqoyay to these girls and their young wombs!