Casa de la Memoria de las Abuelas: cursos a distancia ahora disponibles

 Como parte de la iniciativa "Hampi Warmi" en proteger y compartir tradiciones y sabiduría de la Medicina Femenina ancestral, ahora ofrecemos los siguientes cursos-talleres cortos a distancia y acompañando a mujeres alrededor del mundo en sus Caminos de Belleza particulares y sus caminos personales de Medicina Femenina. Estos cursos/sesiones de duración de 2 horas serán compartidos (como siempre) desde la sabiduría femenina Andina de mi linaje y otras enseñanzas de Abuelas del mundo que fui transmitidas a lo largo de mi camino, habiendo recibido el debido permiso de compartir esta sabiduría, trenzada con inspiración & conocimiento del camino de la Mujer Sabia (Wise Woman Tradition)/ partería independiente para algunos de los cursos.

Si cualquiera de estos cursos resuenan con tu Camino, por favor separa tu sesión via Zoom enviando un email a
Será un verdadero honor el compartir juntas & apoyarte de todo corazoón en tu particular camino sagrado.
Cursos-talleres disponibles:
* "Concepción Conciente & Fertilidad"
* "Ciclo Menstrual & Consciencia Femenina" Un taller-herramienta de vida para que lo uses para comprender los efectos y variaciones de los 4 ciclos principales que están influenciando y co-creando tu experiencia en tu día a día. Conoce las fases de tu ciclo menstrual y las energías & emociones particulares asociadas a éstas, junto con su relación con los ciclos de estaciones de la Tierra, ciclos de la Luna, y la estación de la Vida en la que te encuentras. Mapa nutricional según las fases de tu ciclo menstrual.
* "Medicina del Utero, Sexualidad Sagrada y Sanación Femenina" (incluye guía de Aclaración energética de tu Utero) 2 sesiones más son ofrecidas si deseas profundizar tu trabajo personal con la apertura y sanación de tu útero, incluida la sesión guiada de "Mandala de tu Utero"
* "Sangrado Sagrado & el Retiro Menstrual Andino" (ofrecido solo si planeas venir al Valle Sagrado, Peru para la necesaria segunda sesión presencial, para la demostración de rituales específicos, rezos y Ceremonia de Luna)
* "Laberinto de tu Historia de Parto/ Posparto" (2 sesiones, incluida la sesión de sanación de trauma)
* "Nutrición Prenatal": un enfoque holístico al nutrir pre-natal natural & auto-cuidado sabio. Compartir actualizado a la evidencia reciente en nutrición en base a comidas "reales" y densas en nutrientes (nutrient-dense real food). Incluye menus modelo.
* Altar & la Rueda de Medicina" (guía a cómo crear tu Altar para re-conectarte con tu ser interior y tu propósito de vida en tu vida diaria, y enseñanza de la Rueda de Medicina con las 4 direcciones, sus medicinas-enseñanzas y nuestros Ancestros, y el Ciclo de Vida en el camino sagrado)
* "Lactancia Sagrada de Amor": una guía holística al abanico completo de alimentar/nutrir a nuestros bebés con alegría (y sin vergüenza, culpa o miedo)
* "Retiro Posparto": una guía de auto-cuidado y comunitaria desde la tradición Andina
* Taller de "Introducción a la práctica Zen y mindfulness para trabajadoras del parto"
Retribución de curso-sesión personalizada de 2 a 2 horas y media: US$ 170 (a la cuenta de Hampi Warmi via PayPal) Parte de los costos educativos van a apoyar las iniciativas y proyectos comunitarias de Hampi Warmi en Cusco, Peru. Comunicación de seguimiento incluida (1, via e-mail o whatsapp). Materiales de apoyo incluidos según cada curso-taller (enviados via email).
** Consejería personalizada de Medicina Femenina (sesión de 2 horas) también están disponibles (todos los Ritos de Pasaje).

"Grandmothers Memory Home" distant courses now available (Casa de la Memoria de las Abuelas)

As part of "Hampi Warmi" Initiative to protect and share ancestral Woman's Medicine traditions and wisdom, we are now offering the following distant short courses/sessions to support and accompany women around the world in their particular Paths of Beauty and personal Woman medicine journeys. These courses/sessions of 2 hours duration will be shared (as always) from the Andean feminine wisdom of my lineage and other Elders teachings I have been passed along in my path, being granted the permission to share this wisdom, braided with Wise-Woman/independent midwifery inspiration & knowledge for some courses.

If any of these courses resonate with your Path, please book your Zoom session by emailing me at

It will be a true honor to share together & support you whole-heartedly in your particular sacred journey!

Offerings available: (shared in English)

* "Conscious Conception & Fertility"

* "Menstrual Cycle & Feminine Consciousness"

A toolkit-workshop for you to use to understand the effects and variations of the 4 main cycles that are influencing and co-creating your experience on a daily basis. Know holistically the phases of your menstrual cycle and the particular energies & emotions associated with these, together with the relation with the Earth'season cycles, Moon cycles, and the Life season in which you are now. Nutritional map according to the phases of your menstrual cycle.

* "Womb Medicine, Sacred Sexuality and Feminine Healing" (includes Womb Clearing guide)
* 2 more sessions available on Womb Medicine to deepen your personal work, including the Womb Energetic Mapping session

session 1: A solid, introductory workshop to dive into your genuine woman self by the reconnection to your own womb, your feminine energetic center. We will also work with our ancient bodily connection to Pachamama (Mother Earth) and inspiring Andean teachings for women. Key tools will be provided to reintroduce and strengthen your woman medicine connection, including self-womb care tools, a womb meditation, womb clearing and the wisdom of right relationship to sustain your flowering into your true feminine self.

* "Sacred Bleeding & the Andean Menstrual Retreat" (offered only if you plan to come to Peru for the needed Ceremony; ritual demonstrative in-person second session)

* Sacred Altar & the Medicine Wheel" (guide of how to set your altar in the tradition to re-connect with your inner self and your purpose in life on a daily basis; and teachings of the Medicine Wheel with the 4 directions, its medicines-teachings and our Ancestors, and the Cycle of Life in the sacred path)

* "Woman Medicine Spiritual Path & the Magic Within"
The Heroine's Journey spiritual map, and tools and rituals to accompany you and help you deepen in your unique Path of Beauty
* "Labyrinth of your Birth/or Postpartum Story" (2 sessions, including healing trauma session)

* "Home Altars & Feminine Spirituality"

* "Birth Story Medicine" session
This is rooted on Pam England's map to integrating your birth story, particularly the ones that have left in your mind some distress, trauma, emotional triggers up to the present, or buried non-resolution of coming to understand the Medicine that this Heroine Journey experience brought to your life. I have completed the whole Birth Story Medicine School year-long courses & requirements.

* "Prenatal Nurturing": a holistic approach to pre-natal natural nourishment & wise self-care

* "Sacred Love-Breast-Feeding": a holistic guide to the full-spectrum of feeding/nurturing our babies with joy (and without out self-shame, guilt or fear)

* "Postpartum Retreat": a self-care & community-support guide from the Andean tradition
Retribution for 2-hour personalized session: US$ 170 (via Hampi Warmi non-profit PayPal account)
fees go to support Hampi Warmi's ongoing community-centered initiatives and projects. Follow-up communication (one) via e-mail or whatsapp included.

** Personalized counseling 2-hour sessions around Woman Medicine (all the Rites of Passage) are also available

Upcoming 2020 Collaborative work with Centro de Salud de Pisac (Pisac public health center)

Donation by Hampi Warmi to the public health center of Pisaq (Cusco) of: 
- 10 reusable steel clamps 
- 2 pinards (thank you MIDIRS UK) and
- 1 retractable midwifery tape measure 

Looking forward to collaborating with this health center in the months to come with Lucila Kampmann (Denmark) as volunteering midwife in the trainings to the obstetric personnel, Andean pregnant women, and hopefully births we will support at 

Pinard Donation 2019-2020 Donación de pinares a obstetras peruanas y estudiantes internacionales: un arte casi perdido de la partería

To recall an almost lost midwifery art of listening to babies in-womb with the aid of a pinard (or stethoscope) instead of technology (Dopplers), MIDIRS UK (Midwifery Digest) donated to Hampi Warmi Peru aluminium-light pinards - to be donated in turn to our midwifery/ doula students on the "Wachakuy: Sacred Birth Way" birth training program to birth students, doulas, midwives and doctors.

We have also donated this last year and the present year to Peruvian obstetras and midwife-doctors working either independently (homebirth) in Lima and obstetras in the Cusco area working in public health centers. Given with the intention that this important midwifery art of listening to baby's heart beat without the aid of technology-waves is not lost and preventing the potential (not so-well studied) side-effects of its routine use for babies-in womb well-being (see Sarah Buckley, "Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering" for the warning on this). This type of auscultation is also more culturally-appropriate for Andean mothers during public health center pre-natals, than the wooshing sound of Dopplers on their bellies. So that they too feel more relaxed during their pre-natal care, and in turn their babies-in-womb.

Happy pinard listen-in!

"Wachakuy: Sacred Birth Way" birth training programs 2020 (English version)

Announcing the next official date for the 10th "Wachakuy: Sacred Birth Way" training program in English, happening in the Sacred Valley next September 2020. Still 2 open spots available. Deadline to register: April 7th  Please share to anyone interested in acquiring a broad spectrum of conscious tools & wise ancestral knowledge around pregnancy, birth & postpartum to better accompany mothers in this life-changing Rite of Passage, and to fully support genuine autonomous birth experiences
Upon personal request, I am opening a "Wachakuy" program next May 13-20; if interested for this out-of-schedule date please email me asap at

Note: For this year, we have added in the program the visit to the sacred site of "Unu Urco", a Fertility Temple in the Sacred Valley. Not visited much by tourists, a small hidden, mysterious but so full of Woman Medicine potent temple for all of us women.