Programa de Formación "Wachakuy: Camino Sagrado del Parir" con validación de Doula Holística (Cusco, Peru)

Siguiente formación en español "Wachakuy": Enero 14-21, 2020 (Valle Sagrado, Cusco, Peru) : completo! formaron parte de este círculo aspirantes a doulas peruanas y una madre y aspirante a doula mexicana residente en Peru.

Octubre 2-9, 2020 (Valle Sagrado, Cusco, Peru) * aún quedan 2 espacios! cierre de inscripción: 7 mayo (detalles a:

Recibe el conocimiento, herramientas y las habilidades que buscas para acompañar conscientemente a mujeres en su Rito de Pasaje alrededor del embarazo, parto y posparto como "Doula Holística", sumergiéndote en la sabiduría andina femenina del Ukhu Pacha. Unete a nuestro próximo círculo de Medicina del Parto!   

 * Síguenos con Mamantin  @sacredbirthway

Hampi Warmi initiative Update

Hampi Warmi is a Peruvian-based non-profit aimed to bring Woman Medicine and autonomy back to women worldwide throughout all the Cycles of Life. The main project, KillaWarmi, is a reproductive health intercultural project designed to empower Andean women and girls through woman-centered & evidence-based knowledge, the revitalization of Andean traditional midwifery, and the Remembering of Andean feminine wisdom and spirituality. HW has also worked promoting the midwifery model of care with cultural sensitivity in rural public health centers. Currently HW is focused on registering Andean midwifery practices in the Sacred Valley, and providing a thorough intercultural training program to midwives, doulas and birth workers & students around the consciousness of birth, pregnancy, and postpartum, including with-woman practices, rooted on Andean feminine teachings around birth. (see "Wachakuy: Sacred Birth Way" training program, Cusco, Peru)

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